Friday, June 13, 2014

A little update

The past few weeks have been so amazing with JDRF! My Kids Walk for a
Cure raised almost $3500.00 in just 5 days. The children and I
celebrated the entire afternoon outside in the sun with our Walk for a
Cure for Diabetes. My family and I also attended the West Virginia
Branch JDRF Walk for a cure at the state's capitol. Hundreds of diabetic
families and many diabetes related vendors came to support JDRF. The
Walk for a Cure took place around the entire capitol complex. It is such
an amazing experience to be a part of raising both funding and awareness
with JDRF. I also hosted a middle school dance last weekend. It was such
a blast. I actually dressed up in a silly costume and learned a few line
dances from the  kids! It felt great to have so much support from the

I got to have the most moving moment with a mother at church last

week. I had spoken at a school the Friday before about what diabetes is,
and the effects of both types 1 & 2 diabetes. So Sunday came around and
a mother of a 2nd grader approached me after I finished teaching
children's church and said "I don't know what you said to those
children, but I had 3 different groups of children knock on my door this
weekend selling JDRF sneakers." She went on to say, "What the amazing
part was is that all of the children were able to tell me what JDRF and
diabetes both were!!" Of course, my eyes welled up with tears as I
hugged that mother and thanked her for sharing such amazing news with

I have recently shared an amazing triumph with a newly diagnosed 16

year old boy named Justyn. He was just diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in
February. He was so ill with a diabetic term called DKA, that he just
lost both legs from below his knees down, and 8 of his fingers. Type 1
diabetes comes on so quickly and parents just don't know what is going
on  with their child until they are so ill that hospitalization is
required. It's the worst feeling in the world, as I have endured that
with my daughter Maddy at age 5. But the amazing news is that Justyn was
just released from the hospital yesterday to go home!!! He gets fitted
for his prosthetics in a few weeks and has such an amazing support
systems through me, diabetic families, JDRF, and many prosthetic
families to keep them up and running. He has such a great heart and
amazing personality. Justyn and my daughter Maddy are just 2 of my
little heros that struggle with diabetes. God bless Justyn and his

I have also had the pleasure with meeting many newly diagnosed

diabetics. One of my favorite jobs with being an advocate and
spokesperson with JDRF is that I get to deliver Bags of Hope to the
newly diagnosed diabetics. This past 2 weeks, I have worked with a 5
year old named Evan and a 33 year old named Tom. Type 1 diabetes has no
age limits, and is increasing it's diagnoses every year.. Every 30
seconds, someone in the US is diagnosed with diabetes.  JDRF is working
so hard at slowing and eventually stopping the prevalence of diabetes.
"Together, we are working on creating a world without type 1 diabetes."

My book is coming right along as well!! I have made the decision to

make it a 60 page cookbook/tips for cooking for diabetic families on the
go. My friends and family have titled me as an expert at 'kid and
diabetic friendly' meals and snacks. I absolutely love being able to
make sweet goodies and tasty meals for my family that we all enjoy and
that won't negatively affect Maddy's blood sugars. I will not be selling
my cookbook. I am in high hopes to add it to the information given in
the Bags of Hope to newly diagnosed diabetics. I know how tough it is to
find meals, school lunch foods, and snacks that kids enjoy and that you
don't have to worry about them eating, so my gift to our new diabetics
is a started kit to guide them through the process of learning how to
safely manage their diabetes but still have food that tastes good.
  I have a busy month ahead with holding more Walks for a Cure and will
be at various health fairs across the state. My family and I feel so
grateful and blessed that we have the opportunities to offer love and
support to other families that are learning how to live with diabetes.
We feel very fortunate to share our knowledge and experiences to assist
new diabetics.

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